Not Found On is a website ATTEMPTING to record feminist queer life and explore how knowledge is shared online. Creating an alternative HERSTORY is a NECESSARY response and site for resistance in a white male cis dominated history and wiki culture.

All bodies are welcome... a space for lesbian / gay / bisexual / transgender, queer / questioning / intersex / asexual + communities. You don’t have to perform queer here unless you want to. You don’t have to prove that you’re queer enough. You do not have to identify as queer to have a space here, but this is a space of queer knowledge. This space is full of contradictions.

It is in development and relies on the participation of feminist queer bodies. Unless you make it yourself, this space is not for you.

Not until you can hold hands in public without fear and/or you never have to confess that you exist to your family and/or until you never have to apologise for your identity. The heterosexual lifestyle is a sick and boring world!

Only when these things are true will we be freed from the violent effects of these prejudices. Still then we exist as and share solidarity with all forms of oppression. As we do not exist as bodies with singular identities.

Everything you own you’ve had to build on stolen ground
But now we build inwards. Deeper. Away from all,
Pick up the stones and build with us.
This is an inclusive, Non-Existent space to connect, record and celebrate queer feminist projects and people. We are taking back control of our narratives from corrupt, controlling, capitalist platforms. We do not want to be found on your shitty Facebook. Our constellations will burn in the sky regardless of whether or not Youtube demonetises them. Tumblr can’t ban our nipples from reality.

This is a space with founders who want you to take over. This is a space that will never accept exploitation or oppression. This is a space for trans people, bi people, gays, lezbianz, sluts, asexuals, confused kids, people who might change their mind about being queer, people who are faking to impress boys, transtrenders, people who are going through a phase, liars and even Taylor Swift. This is a space that rebels against time a space that you must and will a space to b wrong!

There is no space for:   ~ Racism ~Ageism ~Sexism ~Ableism ~Classism ~ Fatphobia ~ Colourism ~ Classism ~ SWERFS- (Sex worker exclusionary radical feminism) ~Homophobia ~ Biphobia ~ Transphobia  ~ TERFS (trans-exclusionary radical feminism)

Try to be mindful of others: their experience or inexperience privilege or lack thereof.

No Body Police: Bodies are political. No Grammar Police:Language is Political.

We do not accept abusive language and behaviour towards fellow members and other similar spaces.

We are not here to repeat the systems of abuse that have been enacted upon us. We reject hierarchy but accept that the platform operates within the hierarchies of data structures and internet protocols.

We desire kindness, compassion, connection and in real life hugs

Do you want to co-create with us?

— This text was collaboratively co-written by 9 bodies in Liverpool, UK, in 2019. It currently stands as the entrance to the Not Found On website and is evolving.

Not Found On is a co-written feminist queer knowledge project. This space is currently being created with, by and for queer feminist bodies. This ongoing project has two aims: to provide a space run by feminist queer bodies to share, record and connect art and social projects and to question the platforms we participate in online the culture and politics of commercial & non commercial space. We are hoping to grow with you, as more in included in this space.